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Michele Heyward | google31169f84088dcff2.html

Remember the day you graduated from college with your engineering (science or math) degree in your hand?

You were so happy and optimistic about your future!  You knew exactly what you were going to do in your career.  

You were going to be the CEO of a biotech company which developed nanobots to perform heart surgery.

You were going to build a world renowned skyscraper construction company.

Has it been 10 years, 15 years or maybe even 20 years since you finished college?  

Do you still have those same career dreams?

Are you stuck and don’t know how to move ahead in your career?

Are your male counterparts progressing faster than you?

Are they receiving the creme de la creme of projects?

Are they receiving promotion after promotion?

White men meeting

And yet you are still in the same position working hard and playing by the rules.  

Let me show you how your male counterparts move ahead in their careers.

I’ve used these methods and tactics to help create career strategies for other women engineers.

These strategies have helped them gain a clear career strategy, a methodology to get there and tools and tactics to transform their careers.

Why don't you join them?

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Celebrating Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day   It’s Women’s Equality Day! While we can focus on where we are not as women, women of color and women of color STEM professionals, let’s not. Instead let’s do things differently.  We could discuss women's right or the lack thereof.  We could also...