Misspellings in Advertisements
A simple post on Facebook started a great discussion. Imagine you receive an advertisement in the mail from a local business. The advertisement is full of misspelled words and grammatical errors. The question posed was “Would you do business at this establishment?” Most of the responses were a resounding NO! The reason was the business owner should have been smart enough to have someone proofread the advertisement prior to it being mailed out.
There were only two people who DISAGREED with not doing business at this establishment because of grammatical errors. I was one of the two people. These are the 3 reasons I gave for not having an issue with the advertisement misspelled words.
- If the business’s reputation is great and writing is not essential part of its service it is not relevant to me. For instance, if the ad was for publisher, editor, technical writing or similar types of firms then I would PROBABLY not do business with this establish. Why did I say probably not? Follow me to the next reason.
- Some companies’ brands include misspelled words. I know you’re completely dumbfounded and disagree with this. I will give one well-known brand Chick-Fil-A. No I’m not referring to the spelling of the restaurant chain’s name but to the cows who write the signs. The signs usually say Eat Mor Chikin and You Wanna Peece of Me, Have you seen the ad Take a Vacashun frum Beef? They are very fun, funny and have little kids asking why the words are misspelled. Yet adults understand it is BRANDING!
- I’m not the best at writing. It isn’t that serious to me. Don’t get me wrong but have you ever asked your doctor to PRINT the words on your prescription? No. You take that jacked up hand written prescription to another person to decipher. If I’m not worried about a prescription I’m not worried about the lawn care, realtor, painter, auto mechanic, etc. not being able to spell.
I ain’t about that life. What am I about? QUALITY! Quality of services and products I pay to receive. I’m about support small businesses and entrepreneurs every day. I’m about serving new entrepreneurs.
Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
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