Of becoming debt free
I’ve known for years that I would be an entrepreneur. But I didn’t know what business I wanted to start. In 2010, I fell in love with a business idea and started my journey to entrepreneurship. My first step was getting rid of my debt.
Why did I have being debt free as my first step to entrepreneurship? There were 3 main reasons:
- EXCUSES: I would eliminate the primary excuse as to why NOT to start a business: I can’t afford to leave my full-time job because I have bills to pay The only bills I have to pay are living expenses.
- FREEDOM: I would be free of obligation to any institution for debt I had incurred. It is truly a relief to be debt free.
- MIND SHIFT: Because I am debt free and under less stress to pay off my debt, I have much more clarity to see my dreams being accomplished. What I would have previously seen as insurmountable and stupid, is now a possibility that I’m more willing and open to discuss.
- BONUS ENERGY: While you may not believe it, I have so much more energy because a burden has been lifted off my shoulders NO DEBT!
What are some changes I made to get here?
- I no longer own a television. So no cable here. I do have internet, Hulu and Amazon Prime. Savings $60/month.
- I don’t buy clothing nearly as often as I used to just 5 years ago. Savings $150/month.
- My dining out has significantly decreased. Do I still dine out? Yes I do but no more $30 checks more than once every 2 months. $250/month
- My beauty regiment has drastically changed. I haven’t seen a hair stylist in 6 months. Wherein before I was in the salon every 6 weeks. $80/month
- I use cash as much as possible.
What will be or was your first step to entrepreneurship?
Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:
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PositiveHireCo - www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
- www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
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MicheleCHeyward - www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
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PositiveHireCo - www.Instagram.com/
MicheleCHeyward - www.Instagram.com/
WOCinSTEMChat - https://www.linkedin.com/in/
MicheleCheyward - https://www.linkedin.com/
company/positivehire/ - www.medium.com/@
MicheleCHeyward - https://medium.com/@
wocinstemchat - https://medium.com/@
Facebook groups:
- STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/
groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/ - PositiveHire Community https://www.
facebook.com/groups/ PositiveHireCommunity/