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3 Tips to Goal Building in 2016 | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

Goal setting really matters

I know you keep reading and hearing how it is time to set your 2016 GOALS! Blab blab blab but what many people are forgetting to tell you is to REVIEW your 2015 goals. *I hope you had some goals.* So here are my 3 tips to building your 2016 goals.

You must start out by first reviewing your 2015 goals. Wait what? Yes you have to look yourself in the mirror to reflect on those goals. This is key in IMPROVING and ACHIEVING your 2016 goals.

  • Identify which 2015 goals were achieved. You need to write down or document what went well in achieving those goals 2015. What actions helped in getting you to hit that goal early, on-time or past your intended due date. Did you succeed in achieving these goals because they were in your area of expertise or you were highly interested in them? Why did you achieve these goals?
  • Now identify your 2015 goals you didn’t achieve .What didn’t go as planned? Did you relocate or switch jobs? Did you have a traumatic experience? Were those goals more difficult than anticipated? Why didn’t you achieve these goals?
  • Lastly determine which best practices to utilize in 2016 to achieve your goals. In reviewing you should be noting what actions you undertook to reach your goals. You should document processes that you used for each goal. Doing so you will find some identical or similar tasks that worked in achieving these goals. Sometimes these tasks are not found in the process (or lack thereof process) you used in the goals you didn’t achieve.

Bonus Tip: You can ask your friends, family, accountability group, etc. to help you identify how and why you succeed at some of your goals and not others. They will add a perspective you don’t have. It may seem scary but it is very necessary.

Now let’s make 2016 THE BEST GOAL YEAR EVER!


michele heywerd

Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:

  1. www.Facebook.com/PositiveHireCo
  2. www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
  3. www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
  4. www.Twitter.com/MicheleCHeyward
  5. www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  6. www.Instagram.com/PositiveHireCo
  7. www.Instagram.com/MicheleCHeyward
  8. www.Instagram.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/in/MicheleCheyward
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/company/positivehire/
  11. www.medium.com/@MicheleCHeyward
  12. https://medium.com/@wocinstemchat
  13. https://medium.com/@positivehireco

Facebook groups:

  1. STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/
  2. PositiveHire Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveHireCommunity/