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Womenpreneurs – We Are Not Catty | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

The women of color

This weekend I spent time with 25 entrepreneurs  mostly women of color ranging in age from 21 years old to early 50’s. Each had a different story, different business goals and a different ICA. Yet they provided me so much.

  1. Together we will RISE!
  2. Call on me for help.Women gossiping.
  3. No I will NOT leave you behind.
  4. You still don’t understand this concept after an hour? Well let’s process flow it. Did that help? No. Let’s make a video of it. Did that help? No. Then let’s act it out.
  5. Your problem is my problem. Your failure is my failure. Your ELEVATION is my ELEVATION!
  6. Look I already struggled through this, so let me show you the direct path.
  7. Hey girl hey! Let’s have a drink on the beach.
  8. It’s a white dress. It was meant to get dirty. Don’t even worry about it.
  9. I don’t understand why you all are so giving. We are giving because YOU are giving.
  10. It is truly refreshing to meet and work with other like minded women.
  11. The people I thought who would support me are the people whom have let me down.
  12. You don’t fail. We learn from each other.
  13. Let’s strategize together.
  14. Want to collaborate?
  15. They will see YOUR GREATNESS and you will see THEIR GREATNESS.

Are you wondering what this all means? Women are NOT catty. We will support each other as much as we possibly can. We will strengthen, encourage and uplift one another. We will teach to and learn from other women. We will not threaten or be threatened by another woman’s success. My greatness comes from your greatness. No woman is to be left behind!


michele heywerd

Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:

  1. www.Facebook.com/PositiveHireCo
  2. www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
  3. www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
  4. www.Twitter.com/MicheleCHeyward
  5. www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  6. www.Instagram.com/PositiveHireCo
  7. www.Instagram.com/MicheleCHeyward
  8. www.Instagram.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/in/MicheleCheyward
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/company/positivehire/
  11. www.medium.com/@MicheleCHeyward
  12. https://medium.com/@wocinstemchat
  13. https://medium.com/@positivehireco

Facebook groups:

  1. STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/
  2. PositiveHire Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveHireCommunity/