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One Action To Achieving Your Goal | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

Achieving your goal

So many people can tell you about their goals. They can tell you how long they have had their goals. They will say how hard they have worked to achieve the goal. They will tell you how it’s just too hard to reach that goal. Yet most don’t do this one thing! WRITE their goals down.

The #WOCinTech photos are available under a Creative Commons Attribution - License. This means that you may copy, distribute, and display the images as long as you attribute chat or Does writing your goals down really matter? You are 50% more likely to achieve your goals if you simply WRITE your goals down.

Why? Because you make it real. No seriously you do. I’ll prove it to you.

Have you ever gone to the grocery store to buy 5 items or less? With so few items to buy, so you don’t bother to write the items down. You walk into the grocery store and you can’t remember what in the world you’re supposed to be buying.

You buy a cart full of stuff saying, Well I think I need this but if I don’t I can still use it. All the stuff in the grocery store and your shopping cart are the thoughts you consistently get minute after minute running.

If you had simply written down the 5 or few items you needed from the grocery store it would have saved you. You would have saved time, money and effort. Instead you wasted all of these. This is exactly what happens when you don’t WRITE your goals down.

So for all you GOAL HUSTLERS, go and write your goals down. #AllIDoIsWin


michele heywerd

Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:

  1. www.Facebook.com/PositiveHireCo
  2. www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
  3. www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
  4. www.Twitter.com/MicheleCHeyward
  5. www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  6. www.Instagram.com/PositiveHireCo
  7. www.Instagram.com/MicheleCHeyward
  8. www.Instagram.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/in/MicheleCheyward
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/company/positivehire/
  11. www.medium.com/@MicheleCHeyward
  12. https://medium.com/@wocinstemchat
  13. https://medium.com/@positivehireco

Facebook groups:

  1. STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/
  2. PositiveHire Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveHireCommunity/