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Self-Centered Vs. Selfless Goals | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

Are you struggling with your goals?

Do you struggle more with goals which solely focus on you? Do you receive more RESISTANCE when you push, pull, ram, etc. goals which do nothing for anyone but you? Do you feel worn out and unenthusiastic about your self-centered goals? Do you find the energy to keep the momentum with your selfless goals?

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There are definitely times we should have self-centered goals. For example self-care, fitness and eating healthy are self-centered goals which should be pursued.

When you have selfless goals you passion can burn deeper and stronger. You will find that you will sacrifice more. You won’t let as many setbacks impact your mindset or for long.


michele heywerd

Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:

  1. www.Facebook.com/PositiveHireCo
  2. www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
  3. www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
  4. www.Twitter.com/MicheleCHeyward
  5. www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  6. www.Instagram.com/PositiveHireCo
  7. www.Instagram.com/MicheleCHeyward
  8. www.Instagram.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/in/MicheleCheyward
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/company/positivehire/
  11. www.medium.com/@MicheleCHeyward
  12. https://medium.com/@wocinstemchat
  13. https://medium.com/@positivehireco

Facebook groups:

  1. STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/
  2. PositiveHire Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveHireCommunity/