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5 Tips for Engineers Transitioning To Entrepreneurs | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

5 Tips for Engineers Transitioning To Entrepreneurs


          Engineers often times see starting their own engineering design or consulting firms daunting. But with some preparation and planning, the transition can be easier. Having current employers cover some costs before quitting can save time and stress for many engineers.  

          For many of us engineers, we’re creating our annual goals. Take this time to align your entrepreneur goals with 2017 employee goals. By doing this engineers are able to save time and money to exit their full-time jobs

  1. Build Your Brand: Identify conferences to attend where you can speak and present.  Include these events in your 2017 goals. Request your employer to pay for your expenses such as materials and travel.
  2. Build your network:  Pitch to your employer to host two to four Engineering meetings, training, social events or presentations in your office.  You’ll be the face of each of these events. You will help coordinate them so that other engineers in your area will know who you are not just by your employer. Be sure to connect with attendees on LinkedIn.
  3. Become an author:  co-author a white paper and have it published in a technical trade magazine. Partner with other influence within your employer local area or in your fieldfield.  be sure to utilize any services and resources you are employer has available to its employees.
  4. Continuing education:  Have your employer to cover your 2017 professional development units or PDUs. Also see if there’s a way for you to get them to cover 2018 PDUs. Hey where there’s a will, there’s a way.
  5. Certifications and licenses:  Make up any license or certification part of your 2017 performance goals have your employer cover cost for study material study groups and of course the test.


          Bonus:  Inquire about your employer paying for lifetime memberships to professional organizations. Select 3-5 professional organizations you believe will be beneficial for your business as an entrepreneur. Even if you don’t believe some Professional Organizations have lifetime memberships contact them to be sure. If they do have lifetime memberships, inquire about the process and the cost.

          Some of these don’t have to be part of your annual employee goals. But they should be part of your exit plan. To sell these to your manager, position them as benefits to the company and clients. If you can include cost savings to your department or company, it will go over easier as well.