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3 Reasons You Are Not Winning In Life | Michele Heyward google31169f84088dcff2.html

Winning in life

I had faith in you. Did you have faith in yourself? Are you wondering why you aren’t winning in life? Let’s chat about it.

#1 – You are comparing yourself to others – STOP IT! You are uniquely you. So be who you are TODAY!. Don’t worry about how you differ from others. Instead EMBRACE it. Look at where you are today and envision where

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#2 – You are over critical of yourself – Stop beating yourself up over things you didn’t do. Relish and appreciate the things you did achieve.

#3 – You didn’t write it down – If you really want it and it matters, you will write it down. This can be your to-do list, goals and bucket list. Write them all down. Buy a special notebook to write down your goals and bucket list.

Bonus – TAKE ACTION! – I know you wrote it down but until you actually take some baby steps like putting all your change in the OJ jar or having a direct deposit go to that savings account, the money will not be there. Be sure to place DATES as to when you achieve these actions.

When you are intentional you will say *in my DJ Khaled voice* “ALL I DO IS WIN!”


michele heywerd

Michele Heywerd is a professional engineer by profession and she’s the lead founder of the STEM movement. She coaches young and adult professionals who want to gain successful careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

You can follow Michele on her various social media accounts below:

  1. www.Facebook.com/PositiveHireCo
  2. www.FB.com/MicheleCHeyward
  3. www.Twitter.com/PositiveHireCo
  4. www.Twitter.com/MicheleCHeyward
  5. www.Twitter.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  6. www.Instagram.com/PositiveHireCo
  7. www.Instagram.com/MicheleCHeyward
  8. www.Instagram.com/WOCinSTEMChat
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/in/MicheleCheyward
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/company/positivehire/
  11. www.medium.com/@MicheleCHeyward
  12. https://medium.com/@wocinstemchat
  13. https://medium.com/@positivehireco

Facebook groups:

  1. STEM Women Professionals https://www.facebook.com/groups/STEMWomenProfessionals/
  2. PositiveHire Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveHireCommunity/