The Ultimate Dream of Having An Inclusive Workplace
Today, we celebrate the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During his time, he often expressed his thoughts that people should be judged by the content of their character and not by their skin color. Women of color STEM professionals are too often judged by...
Strangers Standing With Women of Color in STEM
Women of Color in STEM For women of color in STEM it is sometimes very lonely and isolated. We often go under appreciated. and overlooked. Not to mention the fact, we are underpaid when compared to our white male cohorts.Being a women of color in science, technology,...
Celebrating Women’s Equality Day
Women’s Equality Day It’s Women’s Equality Day! While we can focus on where we are not as women, women of color and women of color STEM professionals, let’s not. Instead let’s do things differently. We could discuss women's right or the lack thereof. We could also...
3 Steps To Equal Pay For African American Women Engineers
African american women engineers The pay gap for women is reported to be 80 cents for every dollar a white men make. But this isn’t true for African American women. In actuality, the gap is wider with African American women who earn earning 63 cents for every dollar...
Equal Pay History Excluded African American Women
Equal pay history Equal Pay for women has a relatively long history. Traditionally, most women didn’t work outside of the home. As far back as the 1800’s women have fought to have equal right and equal pay. Let’s take a look at equal pay in the United State. In 1870...
My Wakanda – National Society of Black Engineers National Convention
My Wakanda is National Society of Black Engineers National Convention. You maybe one of the few who don't know what Wakanda is nor its significance. So before you read any further I'll highly recommend you see the movie "Black Panther." Once you my words will make...
2017 Accomplishments That Really Matters
2017 Accomplishments My 2017 has been a year of loss and rebirth. Yet, I’m thankful for it. During the Thanksgiving holiday I like to reflect on what has transpired throughout the year. Sitting in a quiet spot in my local library on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, I...
Discover Your Innate Leadership Potentials & Blessings
Leadership & Blessings Today I was reminded of two lessons I learned August 2010: #1 Blessings & #2 Leadership! As I was traveling and only 30 miles from my final destination, I hydroplaned on I-44. I did a 90 degree turn in the far right lane and started...
5 Tips for Engineers Transitioning To Entrepreneurs
5 Tips for Engineers Transitioning To Entrepreneurs Engineers often times see starting their own engineering design or consulting firms daunting. But with some preparation and planning, the transition can be easier. Having current employers cover some...
4 Places Engineers Should Network
4 Places Engineers Should Network Being excellent technically will only get engineers so far in their professional lives. Engineers must be networking to grow their names (brands) and reputation (influence). However many times engineers will go to work, do an...